Earned CKC Championship
Earned ABI Puppy Championship
Multiple UKC Reserve Best Novice Puppy in Shows
Multiple ABI Reserve Best Puppy in Shows
They say when you know, you know.
When Monroe's breeder offered to allow me to help whelp a litter as part of my mentorship, I jumped at the opportunity for the experience. The second she was born, I knew this little pup was something special, and I had to stake my claim in that exact moment.
Girls Just Want to Have Fun!
Monroe is the ultimate wild-child! She is spunky, sassy, and full of energy from sun-up to well after sun-down.
As part of my learning/training, a mentor breeder asked me to assist with a whelp of one of her litters. She also knew that I was keeping my eyes open for anything in this group of pups that stood out. I had a set of preferences - female, brown head, standard tri-colour with fun markings. The minute Monroe was born, she wrapped her in a cloth and handed her off to me with a grin to clean up. She knew that this would be the pup I was hoping for.
I got to rubbing her down, and as soon as I saw her beautiful little head, I felt it. I remember holding her and pleading in my head, "Please let it be a girl!". As I flipped her over, I couldn't help but squeal with delight. It was a girl ... it was MY girl.
As we watched Monroe grow, it became clearer and clearer just how nice she was going to be. A natural at stacking at just 5 weeks old, I started to envision a bright future in the show ring. When Monroe finally came home, we were smitten. She developed an instant and very strong bond with my teenage daughter, and it wasn't too long before we determined that Monroe would be HER first show dog, and her name went on the registration as a co-owner.
Over the months, we often joked about Monroe being a severely hyperactive dog (she NEVER sits still!), but deep down, I believe that her intense energy is why her bond with our ADHD daughter is so strong. They complement each other perfectly, and about the only time I see Monroe relax is when she is draped over her human child on the couch.
When the new puppy, Izzy, arrived, Monroe was thrilled to have a high energy friend to play with. Their rough and tumble banter, however, caused an injury to one of Monroe's eyes when Izzy's super sharp puppy nail caught Monroe's third eyelid. Something that was surgically corrected, but has lasting nerve damage, scar tissue and a visible droop.
Despite her war-wound, Monroe completed her CKC Championship title in May of 2024, and has acquired more than half of the required points for her Grand Championship. We will continue to show her, as she absolutely loves the ring, until the time comes that she is of age to breed. We are quite excited to see what her beautiful lines will produce.
Monroe also participates in obedience training and has dabbled in lure sports. We plan to explore other sports with her as time goes on.